Thursday 20 November 2014

We Are Losing. Our. Minds. After How to Get Away With Murder: Our Rants and Raves

How to Get Away with MurderABC
RAVE: How to Get Away with Murder: OK, we're having trouble breathing after that total roller coaster of an hour. Let's break it down: First, Annalise and Sam had a terrible, horrible fight that only confirmed the fact that Sam is/was the absolute worst. This sent Annalise off to a some super sexy times at Nate's. Meanwhile, both Rebecca and Michaela showed up at the Keating house at the same time – Michaela to talk to Annalise and Rebecca to get evidence against Sam – and that's where s—t started going down. Sam chased after Rebecca and her evidence while Michaela called Wes, Connor, and Laurel.
At first, it seemed like Michaela was the murderer, after she pushed Sam over the banister in a scuffle, but Sam wasn't really dead yet. It was actually that sly dog Wes who ended up doing the deed in order to get Sam to quit strangling Rebecca. The rest of the episode went through what we had already seen of the group deciding what to do and getting rid of the evidence, led by Wes. What we didn't know all this time is that Annalise knew exactly what was going on the entire time. When Wes went back to retrieve the trophy, she was there, sitting in the darkness, and it became clear that these two worked out a plan and intended to keep completely mum about it when Annalise called her students to her house because Sam was only "missing." Now if you'll excuse us, our hearts are still trying to escape from our chests after everything that happened tonight, so you go find out what else happened tonight while we take a moment (and a drink) to ourselves. 
Scandal, Darby StanchfieldABC/Tony Rivetti
RAVE: Scandal: "I choose me. I'm choosing Olivia. And right now, Olivia is dancing." Liv told Jake that she wants both Vermont with Fitz and the sun with Jake, so she's just not going to choose. Instead, she started to dance, and asked Jake to either dance with her or get off her dance floor. He promptly kissed her, and then made the mistake of going to get a pillow and blanket to help with their sex on the piano, which left the perfect opportunity for…
RANT: Scandal: …Olivia to be kidnapped as a result of Fitz refusing to declare war on West Angola after the VP's self-planned bombing. Whatever. The important part is there was dancing and then we were denied piano sex due to Olivia being kidnapped and we have to wait like two months to find out what happens next!  
RAVE: Scandal: Papa Pope is the possibly the scariest man on the planet, and that little moment with Olivia's gun was pure perfection in terms of how completely terrifying he was. He had taken the bullets out, and basically used it as a test to see if Olivia would actually pull the trigger on her own father. She did, and he positively lost it. He went off on her and then took off in order to teach her some kind of lesson, or something, while we sat trembling in terror.
RAVE: Scandal: Huck's ex-wife had better read those files so she knows he's telling the truth about his job/whereabouts because our hearts are so damn fragile and we need something to work out for someone sometime. 
The Vampire Diaries, Jodi Lyn O'KeefeBob Mahoney/The CW
RAVE: The Vampire Diaries: Well that heartbreaking family connection came completely out of left field! Jo, Liv, Luke, and Kai, of all people, are siblings, and the next in line to lead the Gemini witch coven. Kai tried to murder Liv and Luke as small children, so his family banished him to a permanent hell of 1994, leaving Liv and Luke to eventually have to merge their powers (killing one of them as a result) so they can lead the coven.  Unfortunately, all of this means that there's a whole coven of witches hell bent on keeping Kai banished, so they're not too keen on letting Bonnie out, either. So things are definitely not looking good for Bonnie, especially now that Kai has left her stabbed and carless in 1994 Portland, because he's a total jerk. 
RAVE: The Vampire Diaries: We love Delena, we do. We really do, but we can't say that Damon's unwavered determination to bring Bonnie back doesn't stir up a bit of Bamon fever deep inside us. We'd also really like some Steroline, please. All this bickering/apologizing had better be leading to something!
RANT: Parenthood: Nooooo! How could you end your winter finale with Zeek needing Camille to call an ambulance, and right after they were making plans to fly to the south of France (which was the cutest subplot)? Why would you do this to ussss?!
RAVE: Parenthood: We might be able to forgive you for that terrible cliffhanger, since you did also give us the return of Mark (Jason Ritter) and a Joel and Julia make out session in the same episode. Divorce papers, schmivorce schmapers. Joel and Julia forever! 
Grey's AnatomyABC
RANT: Grey's AnatomyWe're really glad that Derek finally accepted the job with the President of the United States because we couldn't take much more of his bratty, passive-aggressive comments to Meredith. But now that he's going to move to DC, is this the beginning of the end of MerDer? 
RAVE: Grey's Anatomy: As much as we're still hurting over Calzona's breakup, the minute where they both decided to just pretend like they were okay so they could lean on each other for support during their crappy days was just so adorable and made our Calzona-loving hearts burst!
What did you watch tonight? Are you also hyperventillating after HTGAWM? Rant and rave with us in the comments!

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