Tuesday 19 May 2015

Bristol Palin, Dakota Meyer Call Off Wedding: Get the Details

Dakota Meyer, Bristol Palin, InstagramInstagram
Bristol Palin and Sgt. Dakota Meyer's wedding is off!
In a Facebook post Monday, Sarah Palin announced that her 24-year-old daughter and the 26-year-old war hero would no longer be getting married this Saturday.
Per Mama Grizzly, Bristol and Dakota "have informed loved ones that unfortunately the announced celebration planned for May 23 will not be held."
Bristol released a statement via her mother "clearing up rumors that tabloids salivate over" (aka false reports claiming Dakota was still married to his first wife). It read: "Regarding salacious headlines in recent days about 'secret wives', Dakota and I discussed our past relationships prior to our engagement. Dakota was legally divorced years ago, as any good reporter could and should have disclosed to readers. As usual, false stories and dramatically written headlines begging controversy should be disregarded, and we have faith that our privacy will be respected at this time by those with decency. Thank you!"
Fortunately, the canceled nuptials aren't a total loss. According to the former Vice Presidential hopeful, even though the Palin-Meyer wedding won't be happening this Saturday, "Many friends and family still look forward to getting together that day in Kentucky anyway–and the Palins and Meyers are happily looking forward to still being at 'the old Kentucky home' on May 23 to celebrate life, in general!"
"Family members and close friends know they are welcome to share a great bar-b-que on the farm that day," added Sarah. "All involved, especially Dakota, Bristol and Tripp, and their parents and grandparents, thank supporters for the love they've expressed."
Bristol and Dakota first announced their engagement news on March 14. The U.S. Marine vet, who was awarded the Medal of Honor in 2009, posted a sweet picture of himself and Bristol to Instagram, writing, "I'm definitely the luckiest guy ever to be able to spend the rest of my life with @bsmp2 #shesaidyes"
Bristol responded with her own kissy-pic post, writing, "Truly the luckiest girl in the world, cannot wait to marry this man!!!!"
Even mama grizzly approved! "Our families couldn't be happier for Bristol and Dakota. We're honored to welcome Dakota into our family," she wrote in a Facebook post just hours after her daughter and Dakota broke the news. "He's an American hero and patriot whose service to our country—like all his fellow Medal of Honor recipients—has been above and beyond the call of duty...Even more important is he's a good and kind man who loves Bristol and [her 6-year-old son] Tripp, and is loved by them."
Bristol was previously engaged to Tripp's father Levi Johnston. The parents called it quits back in 2010; Levi married Sunny Oglesby in 2012 and the two have a 2-year-old daughter named Breeze Beretta.

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