Tuesday, 23 December 2014

This Is What You Get When Bill Gates Is Your Secret Santa

Bill Gates, Secret Santa Giftredditgifts.com
Did your Secret Santa get you a hat that says "YOLO" that was clearly a re-gift from last year? If so, this story is about to make you extremely jealous.
Once again, Microsoft co-founder, extremely rich human being and gangsta chair-jumperBill Gates joined the annual Reddit Secret Santa gift-exchange and surprised a very lucky person with his generosity.
Reddit user Calid7 had Bill Gates as her Secret Santa, unbeknownst to her. So when her gift came in the mail and she saw his photo and a note accompanying her gift, she promptly freaked out.
"The amazing human being Bill Gates sent me a Loki Helmet which I have been dying to own ever since the first Thor movie came out!" she wrote. "He read my 'pie in the sky wish' that I filled out in my questionnaire and fulfilled it! I also got an amazing coffee table book of gorgeous pictures of Africa (somewhere I desperately want to go, it's on my bucket list!) with an inscription and a Giant microbes polio virus stuffed animal!"
But of course Bill didn't stop there. He also gave her "the most important" gift: a donation in her name to Shot@Life, an organization that provides vaccines to children living in poor countries.
"I can't even begin to describe how incredible it makes me feel knowing that he made this donation in my name!" she said. "I always donate what I can for charities, which is never much because money is always extremely tight; it really makes me glow!"
Last year, Bill did something similar for his reddit Secret Santa and sent her a stuffed cowwith a note saying he made a donation in her name to Heifer International, which gives a family in need animals that will provide them with both food and an income.
The gauntlet has been thrown for 2015, Bill. We can't wait to see you top this year's gift exchange.

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