Thursday, 7 July 2016

Dwayne Johnson’s ‘Rock the Promo’ wants to make you a WWE star


If you’re like most wrestling fans, you’ve spent decades of your life watching one brawny superstar after the next give high-energy interviews where they declare that they’re the strongest, fastest and greatest in the ring. But what you might not realize is that all those hours you’ve spent on the couch, you may have actually been training for your dream job.

On Wednesday (July 6), Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson pulled back the curtains on “Rock the Promo,” a weekly YouTube series that will have the “San Andreas” star searching for the greatest wrestling smack-talker in the world. So turn on your camera, take off your shirt and get to work.

“You ain’t ready for this level of fun,” Johnson writes in the announcement promoting the high-energy contest on Instagram. “It’s your turn to deliver the greatest wrestling promo of all time. Take that epic tongue lashing you’ve been practicing in front of your mirror, record it, then send it to me.”

In the weeks to come, selected YouTube videos will face off in a 32-clip elimination bracket judged by “wrestling legends” that may or may not include The Rock himself.

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