Friday 21 November 2014

World Celebrate 'Toilet Day'

November 19th has been set out to celebrate World Toilet Day
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 playWorld Toilet Day is about campaigning for the protection of your personal health and personal safety in your toilet. (National Purity)
A day out of the year is usually set out to celebrate important things in our life; Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, World Peace Day, World Water Day, etc. but not many would expect World Toilet Day.
Though it’s always a place where people excrete waste, it is also one of the most important places in our lives and to celebrate its importance, the World Toilet Organization has set out today, November 19 to celebrate it.
The theme of UN World Toilet Day 2014, is "Equality, Dignity and the Link Between Gender-Based Violence and Sanitation." This year, the associated campaign on social media uses the hastag #WeCantWait to raise awareness on the problem.
"A staggering 1.25 billion women and girls would enjoy greater health and increased safety with improved sanitation," UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement ahead of the World Toilet Day.
World Toilet Day is also about campaigning for the protection of your personal health and personal safety in your toilet and also about providing toilet for those who don’t have access to it.

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